October 2, 2011

Are You On The Road To Success?

Success is a habit. Success is living in a certain way day in and day out. But how many of us are truly on the road to success with our habits?

We all say we want to be successful, but most of you want sleep more than you want success! 

Every time you know you are supposed to do something; when you should get up early; when you should work on that proposal; when you should prepare for that exam; but most of these times, there's a little voice inside that says "maybe later" or "there's always tomorrow."

See, every time you procrastinate and delay doing what you need to succeed, you are actually chipping away your success in your subconscious mind. Every time you tell yourself "maybe later," your subconscious interprets your decision as a sign that you do not want this bad enough. That is, whenever you take part in actions that are not conducive to where you want to go, you are actually self-sabotaging your success.

On the other hand, every time you do not feel like doing what you are supposed to do, but you do it anyway, you confirm to your subconscious your commitment to yourself. Every time you wake up that little bit earlier; every time you push yourself a little bit harder; every time you get up and do what you don't feel like doing, you are bringing yourself closer to success on a number of different levels.

Firstly, by doing what you need to do, you actually get it done! Hence, you move forward with your road to success.

Secondly, you develop one of the core traits of successful people – self-discipline. Unfortunately, some people never develop this skill throughout their whole lives. A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University found that the richest 10% of the world accounted for 85% of the world's total assets. It is those with the most self-discipline who can achieve the success they desire. 
On another level, you affirm to your subconscious and your self-identity that you are capable of keeping your own words and getting things done. This in turns impacts on your self-concept, which numerous psychologists and success coaches believe is the root of all our results in our lives. 

So in each moment of your life, ask yourself, "are these current actions taking me where I want to go?" Success is your small daily habits, not the leaps and bounds.

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