January 14, 2012

You Don’t Have to Chase Perfection to Become Perfect

When I was young, I once saw this rainbow. It was the closest I had ever been to one. It was really amazing. I could actually see it end in a clearing in a lush green park. Without a second thought, I began running towards it. But the closer I got to the rainbow, the more I noticed it fading before me. And when I finally got to where I was certain it ended, it disappeared! After relentlessly trying to find it and having no luck, I naturally gave up looking for it.

In life, I believe it is important to have a clear vision of your ultimate goals – that is, see the rainbow. But sometimes that goal might become too large or overwhelming that we end up procrastinating and lose motivation. 

They say “an inch is a cinch, but a mile is a trial.” Have big goals and a clear vision of where you ultimately want to be, but do not dwell there and wait for it to come to you. Set smaller stepping stone goals, and your ultimate goal will seem very easy to achieve.

For example, when you run a marathon, and your body is at the stage where it is passing its threshold of exhaustion, and you look up and try to see the next 4km you have left, the run would seem near impossible. Your body and mind would want to breakdown. But if you simply focus on making it to that street pole two meters away, then the next, and the next, you will finish the 4km before you even realize!

A big goal without smaller plans is simply a daydream. Having a big goal is not enough to get you there. It simply gives you a direction to head towards, but it’s the small steps you take and the smaller goals you achieve that drives you to where you want to be. By achieving each small goal, you build motivation and momentum. Your confidence increases and all of a sudden, the big goal will seem highly attainable.

But what if you don’t know what the smaller steps are? Sometimes a goal is so big that we simply have no idea how we will get there.

Every goal we have in life, small or large, we have to accomplish one or all of 3 things – to BE, DO or HAVE. So to figure out what you need to do, ask yourself:

Who do I need to BECOME before I ultimately become who I want to be?
What do I need to DO to be able to do what I want?
What do I need to attain or HAVE first before I can have what I want?

For example, if you want to become a healthier person, who do you need to become; what actions do you need to start taking; and what knowledge or resources do you need to have? By answering these, questions, you become clearer on what needs to happen before you achieve your ultimate goals, and hence you are able to set the smaller goals to help you get there.

Now, here’s the last key...

Some people have the motto “to strive for perfection” in what they do. The thing is, the pursuit of perfection is a pipedream, but the pursuit of doing each single action perfectly is NOT. As superstar Hollywood actor, Will Smith aptly said, “When building a brick wall, you don’t set out to build the greatest wall ever built. You simply lay one brick down the best that a brick can be laid. And do it again and again, until you have a great wall.”

Focus on what you can do right now and do it to your utmost ability in the QUALITY it needs to be done in; the QUANTITY it needs to done in; the TIME it needs to be done by; and the SUCCESS it needs to be done with.

If you do that, success is a cinch… 

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